
NEWS / 企業(yè)新聞
Ride the wind and waves, build dreams and sail away | HEEE Online Annual Meeting will start 2021
Source:       Release Date:2021-02-19
        On February 6, the 2021 HEEE Annual Ceremony with the theme of "Bringing Wind and Waves, Building Dreams and Voyages" was held in a brand-new live broadcast format. HEEE people at the project sites gathered online to celebrate the annual meeting.
        Looking back on the past year, the fearless and difficult HEEE people have withstood the test and handed in a gratifying answer sheet...

Summary 2020 and look forward to 2021

        At the beginning of the annual meeting, Li Qian, general manager of Business I, introduced the market development and project implementation of Business I in the past year with objective data, including market development, project execution, team building, and digital transformation. Specific requirements were put forward for the development focus of the first business department in 2021.

Li Qian, general manager of the first business department 

        The general manager of the second business department, Lan Tian, summed up and shared his experience and insights about the work in 2020 using three key words: "cognitive quotient", "recognizing barriers", and "let the bullet fly again".

Lan Tian ,General Manager of Business Second Department

        Subsequently, General Manager Shou Yifeng introduced the business situation of HEEE in 2020. While pointing out the highlights of the 2020 work, he also clarified the shortcomings in the current work, and shared the 2021 performance goals and plans.

Shou Yifeng,General Manager 

        Chairman Zhou Liye shared her views with the theme of "Our 20 21", "2020 is an extraordinary year for HEEE, the first year of the division, the first year of Dingding, and the first year of BIM." She said, “2021 is a year full of opportunities and challenges for HEEE. It is also the first year to help achieve the goal of carbon neutrality and the development of the biogas industry.”

        At the meeting, she gave an in-depth explanation on the ecological cycle and asked all departments to take the project as the core, perform their own duties, and promote efficient and coordinated progress. At the same time, she gave a new outlook for HEEE. She said: "We must transform from a community of life to a community of destiny." Finally, she extended greetings and blessings for the Spring Festival to all employees.

Zhou Liye,Chairman

Commendation ceremony to witness the glory

        The online annual meeting held an annual commendation meeting, commending 2 outstanding new employees, 7 outstanding employees, 1 best innovation award (individual), 2 intelligent/digital promotion awards (individual), and loyal employees Award 1 person, Outstanding Contribution Award (Team) 1 group, Excellent Team Award 4 groups, Intelligent/Digital Promotion Award (Team) 1 group, Retrograde Dare to Fight Team Award 1 group.

Riding the wind and waves, the future can be expected

        Looking back on 2020, our order customers have become more diversified, and the digital transformation has achieved remarkable results. We have cooperated with universities to effectively promote the in-depth integration of industry, university and research, and cooperate with enterprises to explore new biogas technologies and business models...
        In 2021, HEEE will soon enter the year of its establishment. In this year, HEEE will ride the wind and waves, take advantage of the spring breeze of ecological civilization construction, and implement the group's "1+1+N" strategic plan, focusing on implementation and implementation. , Focus on innovation, build dreams and start a new journey on a new voyage in 2021.
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